
We develop and produce Original ALU-STOP Boron-Nitride-Coatings, which contain high-quality boron nitride (BN) as an advanced ceramic material. These coatings can be applied like ordinary paints, show excellent non-wetting properties and are used for casting aluminium, magnesium and zinc.

We guarantee a continuous quality control and supply our customers with products of the highest quality. Our company is certified according to the internationally recognized standard ISO 9001.


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© 2023 Büro für angewandte Mineralogie · Dr. Stephan Rudolph · D-47918 Tönisvorst

These recommendations are believed to be correct. However, no guarantee of their accuracy is given. Therefore, purchasers shall make their own tests to determine suitability for their use. These products are offered for industrial and related uses (e.g. research and development) only. However the user must take the necessary precautions appropriate for products containing chemicals. This description does not imply the absence of any patents, the responsibility whatsoever solely rests with the user.

The Original